Postal : DBPF3 package editor and API for Sims 3 package files

Postal is developed by Echo, a drive-by modder and supermoderator of the Mod The Sims website. Echo is a female software engineer located in Melbourne, Australia; her website is

Postal can open up Sims 3 package files, let you poke at their innards, change things around, then save them back into new package files. Postal can navigate all kinds of Sims 3 package files, and parse/display/write many resources, including OBJDs, OBJKs, STBLs, XMLs, CSTRs, GEOMs, NMAPs, DDSs, PNGs, VPXYs, Texture Compositors and the various text-based formats. The Postal Editor is built on top of the “Postal API” which has already been used in other tools, including The Sims 3 Mod Generator and Merlin.

The latest version of the Postal installer can be downloaded from Sourceforge.

Postal extracts .obj files from the geom to enable users to modify the mesh.