Last update : April 10, 2013
The Open Metaverse Foundation (OMF) is a non-profit organization founded with the mandate of developing open technologies and open-source software related to the metaverse and virtual worlds. The OMF provides support and guidance to selected projects that espouse the principles of the foundation.
The current projects supported by OMF are the Meerkat Viewer and the LibOpenMetaverse, a .NET based Client/Server library used for accessing and creating 3d virtual worlds. The library maintains compatibility with the Second Life protocol and can be used for creating clients and automatons in Second Life, OpenSim or other virtual worlds which use the Second Life Protocol.
The current library (version 0.9.1 released September 3, 2011 ) consists of several .NET Assemblies:
- OpenMetaverse.dll : The core OpenMetaverse library which can be used for creating client and server applications
- OpenMetaverseTypes.dll : A 3d specific Types and Math library
- OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.dll : A serialization library which implements full support for LLSD and Json
- OpenJpeg A .NET : wrapper for encoding and decoding Jpeg2000 data utilizing the openjpeg library
The OpenMetaverse library is compatible with the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and newer and Mono 1.9 or newer.