Cellspark version 2
The CellSpark animation editor creates compact flash-like vector graphics animations for nearly all Java enabled phones.
Developped by Colin Mummery a few years ago, this tool allows to create presentations, screen savers and more for different handsets.
Runnable midlets can be created for Midp 1 and Midp 2 devices. In 2005, during the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union from 1st January till 30th June 2005, I used the licensed version of Cellspark to create a multimedia show about the member states of the European Union as a Midlet for the Nokia handset 6680.
Today, a reinstalled Cellspark (a java program) on my new labtop running Vista and Java 6 without any problems. The program is still very useful, userfriendly and fascinating.