Last update : June 26, 2014
The CSS3 module that defines mediaqueries reached the W3C Recommendation status in June 2012 and offers introspection into the browsing environment based on the following factors:
- browser dimensions (width, height and aspect-ratio)
- device dimensions (device-width, device-height and device-aspect-ratio)
- browser orientation
- colour information (color, color-index and monochrome)
- device-specific details such as its resolution, whether its display is grid or bitmap-based, and the scan type (progressive or interlaced … applicable to televisions)
Not all of these properties are currently supported, but many are. Additionally, most of them support min and max prefixes like the one used below, enabling you to tailor your queries very specifically.
@media screen and (max-width:480px) { background-color:red; font-size:1.5em; }
This set of styles is only applied to a screen which is 480 pixels wide or less.
A mediaquery test capabilities, not individual devices or browsers, so it’s future proof. There is no redirection to a different page, it’s one page for all. The mediaquery is tested before any assets are downloaded, saving bandwith and speeding up the display.
Some useful tutorials about mediaqueries are listed hereafter :
- Adaptive layouts with media queries by Aaron Gustafson
- Media Queries for standard devices by CSS-Tricks
- Mediaquery Snippets by David Nemes
- Mediaqueries by Sitepoint
- Mediaquery Tests
- CSS Compatibility and Internet Explorer by MSDN
- css3-mediaqueries-js by Wouter van der Graaf
- Respond.js: Fast CSS3 Media Queries for Internet Explorer 6-8 and more by Scott Jehl of Filament Group