Last update : July 23, 2013
Social media are changing at such a pace that attracting vast numbers of likes and followers are no longer enough to stand out from the crowd. The challenge is now to identify key influential people.

Time : 100 Influential People
First published in 1999, Time publishes since 2008 each year the 100 most influential people in the world (see Wikipedia). The books that inspired the Tech’s most influential people are listed on the web site Business Insider. 55 Speeches by Influential People of the 21st Century are collected on the Trendhunter web site. The 20 Most Influential People in Social Media are presented on Income Diary. Forbes published the Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers in 2013. Tom’s Hardware listed the 10 most influential people in IT of 2011. And there are more and more such lists.
Klout (The standard for Influence) aims to quantify social media presence and makes its own list of influential people. Kred Influence Measurement, or Kred, is a similar tool launched by Jodee Rich (see Wikipedia).
The following list shows links to websites with statistics about the top users of social networks :
- : Actionable insights based on your social media activities
- Unofficial Google+’s Recommended Users, by Alireza Yavari
- Twitaholic, by Twittercounter
More informations about social influence are available at the web sites listed below :
- Social Influence, Wikipedia
- How to Find Influential People With Social Media, by Russ Henneberry
- 50 Greatest Entrepreneurs of All Time, by Succes Magazine