If a new window is created by an user action, it will not be blocked by the browser’s popup blocker.
The dimensions (width & height) of the popup window are required, the other parameters are optional:
- left & top : the distance from the top and left side of the screen
- toolbar : if the popup should have a set of navigation buttons across the top
- location : if the popup should have a location bar where the URL is displayed
- directories : if the popup should have a row across the top with buttons to popular web sites
- status : if the popup should have a status bar across the bottom
- menubar : if the popup should have a menu
- scrollbars : if the popup should have scroll bars
- resizable : if users can resize the popup
- dependent : if the popup should close when its opener window closes
- full screen : how to open a full screen popup
The popup script has the following format:
window.open(href, windowname,
An example is given below: